Friday 29th September 2023 6-7:30pm
Kiki O'Rourke, Brand Ambassador for Two Rivers Vineyard will be with us at the Wine Warehouse to lead us in a tasting of their fabulous wines.
Two Rivers Convergence Sauvignon, Tributary Pinot Noir, Juliet Riesling and Isle of Beauty Rose are wines that impress - depth of flavour, elegance, complexity, texture - think of all the good wine descriptions - this vineyard and winemaker David Clouston hit all the right notes.
Kiki is bringing new vintages for us to taste, wines not available as yet in the UK - due for delivery very soon though.

This tasting is a Free event - but as always it's best to book a table if you want to stay for a drink or food.
email or call 01242 511 682